SUNFLAG BXB-2065 | SUNFLAG Việt Nam | HTGoods
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Thông tin sản phẩm


  • The impact of high torque impact rotation is absorbed by the twisting of the torsion section.
  • High durability and chip-resistant.
  • High core runout accuracy and smooth torque transmission ensure stable striking balance.
Specifications in detail
Compatible with 14.4V, 18V, and impact
tools Tip: (+)2
Total length (mm): 65
Shank diameter (mm): 6.35
Hardness: H


SUNFLAG Việt Nam | Sunflag stepped slim torsion bit #2X65 (2 pieces) Bit Slim Torsion-type MW4461452

Thương hiệu: SUNFLAG
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Features: The impact of high torque impact rotation is absorbed by the twisting of the torsion section.High durability and chip-resistant.High core runout accuracy and smooth torque transmission ensure stable striking balance.
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Thông tin sản phẩm


  • The impact of high torque impact rotation is absorbed by the twisting of the torsion section.
  • High durability and chip-resistant.
  • High core runout accuracy and smooth torque transmission ensure stable striking balance.
Specifications in detail
Compatible with 14.4V, 18V, and impact
tools Tip: (+)2
Total length (mm): 65
Shank diameter (mm): 6.35
Hardness: H


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