SUNFLAG NO9000-350 | SUNFLAG Việt Nam | HTGoods
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • It can be bent freely and used to collect parts that are not magnetic and are difficult to reach.
  • Extraction of precision parts. Machine maintenance.
  • Collecting lost parts during work in the factory.
  • For temporarily fastening screws and nuts.
Specifications in detail
Tip diameter (mm): 10
Shaft length (mm): 245
Total length (mm): 350
Total length of claw (mm): 50

SUNFLAG NO9000-350

SUNFLAG Việt Nam | Sunflag Benly Catch MW2569434

Thương hiệu: SUNFLAG
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It can be bent freely and used to collect parts that are not magnetic and are difficult to reach.
Extraction of precision parts. Machine maintenance. Collecting lost parts during work in the factory. For temporarily fastening screws and nuts.
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • It can be bent freely and used to collect parts that are not magnetic and are difficult to reach.
  • Extraction of precision parts. Machine maintenance.
  • Collecting lost parts during work in the factory.
  • For temporarily fastening screws and nuts.
Specifications in detail
Tip diameter (mm): 10
Shaft length (mm): 245
Total length (mm): 350
Total length of claw (mm): 50

SUNFLAG NO9000-350

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