SK SG-60M | SK Việt Nam | HTGoods
Bạn cần giúp đỡ? Hãy gọi: 1900 98 68 25 hoặc

Thông tin sản phẩm

Angle(°): 60
Length measurement range (mm): 0-25
Scale pitch (mm): upper 0.5, lower 1
Instrument error (°): ±1
Measurable angle (°): 60
Scale: 0 to 25mm in 0.5mm and 1mm increments
Instrument error: ±1°


SK Việt Nam | SK Center Gauge 60M MW8177546

Thương hiệu: SK
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Đặc tính
  • The cutting edge angle of general thread cutting tools can be inspected.
  • Comes with a convenient storage case for portability.
Ứng dụng
  • For checking the angle of the cutting bit when cutting threads on a lathe, etc.
  • Used to check the angle of the cutting tool bit when cutting...
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Thông tin sản phẩm

Angle(°): 60
Length measurement range (mm): 0-25
Scale pitch (mm): upper 0.5, lower 1
Instrument error (°): ±1
Measurable angle (°): 60
Scale: 0 to 25mm in 0.5mm and 1mm increments
Instrument error: ±1°


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