SK IMTR-20R | SK Việt Nam | HTGoods
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Thông tin sản phẩm


  • The light can be reflected to allow inspection of hard-to-see areas such as the back of equipment or deep inside.
  • It is easy to expand and contract, making it very convenient to carry.
  • It is a magnifying glass type that is easy to see.
  • The length can be adjusted using the antenna grip.


  • For checking the engine compartment of a car or inside a machine
Specifications in detail
Mirror protection film included
Total length (mm): 180 (max. 525)
Antenna length (mm): 130-475
Grip width (mm): 9
Magnification (times): 2
Mirror dimensions (mm): φ20
Mirror shape: Round


SK Việt Nam | SK Antenna type magnifying glass, 2x, round, 20-inch MAGNIFYING INSPECTION MIRROR W/ TELESCOPING ROUND 20 MW3759873

Thương hiệu: SK
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Features: The light can be reflected to allow inspection of hard-to-see areas such as the back of equipment or deep inside.It is easy to expand and contract, making it very convenient to carry.It is a magnifying glass type that is easy to see.The length can be adjusted using the antenna grip.
Applications: For checking the engine compartment of a car or inside a machine
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Thông tin sản phẩm


  • The light can be reflected to allow inspection of hard-to-see areas such as the back of equipment or deep inside.
  • It is easy to expand and contract, making it very convenient to carry.
  • It is a magnifying glass type that is easy to see.
  • The length can be adjusted using the antenna grip.


  • For checking the engine compartment of a car or inside a machine
Specifications in detail
Mirror protection film included
Total length (mm): 180 (max. 525)
Antenna length (mm): 130-475
Grip width (mm): 9
Magnification (times): 2
Mirror dimensions (mm): φ20
Mirror shape: Round


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