SECO XOMX090308TR-ME06 | SECO Việt Nam | HTGoods
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Thông tin sản phẩm


  • A two-corner tip for shoulder cutters that can also be used for 3D machining. There are a wide variety of combinations of nose R settings, cutting edge treatments, and material types.
Specifications in detail
Insert for SECO Turbo-09 PVD grade
compatible cutter; R217.69/R220.69-09 Size
BS(mm): 0.4
LE(mm): 9.0
RE(mm): 0.8
S(mm): 3.65
W1(mm): 6.35


SECO Việt Nam | Seco Milling Insert for Turbo Mill XOMX09 F40M Milling Insert Turbo MWF40M

Thương hiệu: SECO
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Features: A two-corner tip for shoulder cutters that can also be used for 3D machining. There are a wide variety of combinations of nose R settings, cutting edge treatments, and material types.
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Thông tin sản phẩm


  • A two-corner tip for shoulder cutters that can also be used for 3D machining. There are a wide variety of combinations of nose R settings, cutting edge treatments, and material types.
Specifications in detail
Insert for SECO Turbo-09 PVD grade
compatible cutter; R217.69/R220.69-09 Size
BS(mm): 0.4
LE(mm): 9.0
RE(mm): 0.8
S(mm): 3.65
W1(mm): 6.35


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