SANDVIK MACR3200-N (1025) | SANDVIK Việt Nam | HTGoods
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Thông tin sản phẩm

Suitable work materials: steel/stainless steel/cast iron/non-ferrous metals/heat-resistant alloys
Effective cutting edge length LE(mm): 8.5
Direction: Right
Coating: PVD
Blade length (mm): 8.5
Tip size: 3
re: 0.05
Maximum cutting depth: 8.5
Maximum machining diameter: 16

SANDVIK MACR3200-N (1025)

SANDVIK Việt Nam | SANDVIK CoroCut XS Cutting Chip (325) 1025 MW6072992

Thương hiệu: SANDVIK
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Liên hệ
Đặc tính
  • The extremely sharp cutting edges provide low cutting forces and excellent machining of high precision parts with close tolerances at low feed rates.
  • All inserts can be used in the same tool holder.
Ứng dụng
  • For parting off.
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Thông tin sản phẩm

Suitable work materials: steel/stainless steel/cast iron/non-ferrous metals/heat-resistant alloys
Effective cutting edge length LE(mm): 8.5
Direction: Right
Coating: PVD
Blade length (mm): 8.5
Tip size: 3
re: 0.05
Maximum cutting depth: 8.5
Maximum machining diameter: 16

SANDVIK MACR3200-N (1025)

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