RIDGID 22398 | RIDGID Việt Nam | HTGoods
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Thông tin sản phẩm


  • Comes with a strong magnet.
  • The luminous bubble frame makes it easy to see even in dark places.
  • V-groove processing and integrated aluminum die-cast frame enable high-precision measurements.
  • With a V-shaped groove and a powerful magnet, it is easy to balance the pipe when using it.


  • For checking horizontal, 45 degree, and vertical alignment.
Specifications in detail
Length (mm): 229
Height (mm): 42
Thickness (mm): 16
Magnets: 3 locations
Precision: ±1mm/1m

RIDGID 22398

RIDGID Việt Nam | RIDGID Torpedo Level 395-E MW4499883

Thương hiệu: RIDGID
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Features: Comes with a strong magnet.The luminous bubble frame makes it easy to see even in dark places.V-groove processing and integrated aluminum die-cast frame enable high-precision measurements.With a V-shaped groove and a powerful magnet, it is easy to balance the pipe when using it.
Applications: For checking horizontal, 45 degree, and vertical alignment.
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Thông tin sản phẩm


  • Comes with a strong magnet.
  • The luminous bubble frame makes it easy to see even in dark places.
  • V-groove processing and integrated aluminum die-cast frame enable high-precision measurements.
  • With a V-shaped groove and a powerful magnet, it is easy to balance the pipe when using it.


  • For checking horizontal, 45 degree, and vertical alignment.
Specifications in detail
Length (mm): 229
Height (mm): 42
Thickness (mm): 16
Magnets: 3 locations
Precision: ±1mm/1m

RIDGID 22398

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