RIDGID 64957 | RIDGID Việt Nam | HTGoods
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • This is an optional part for the Roll Groover 918-I.
  • This is a roll set of 60Su to 150Su.
Specifications in detail
Product name: Optional roll set
Type: For thin-walled SUS
Applicable outer diameter: 60 to 150Su

RIDGID 64957

RIDGID Việt Nam | RIDGID [Sold Out Item] Parts for Roll Groover Roll Set 60-150Su MW4127773

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This is an optional part for the Roll Groover 918-I. This is a roll set of 60Su to 150Su.
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • This is an optional part for the Roll Groover 918-I.
  • This is a roll set of 60Su to 150Su.
Specifications in detail
Product name: Optional roll set
Type: For thin-walled SUS
Applicable outer diameter: 60 to 150Su

RIDGID 64957

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