RIDGID 88232 | RIDGID Việt Nam | HTGoods
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Thông tin sản phẩm

Compatible outer diameter: 50 to 150A
Width (mm): 230
Depth (mm): 140
Height (mm): 170

RIDGID 88232

RIDGID Việt Nam | RIDGID Manual Roll Groover 915 MW3719898

Thương hiệu: RIDGID
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  • Pipe groove processing is possible in places without power supply.
  • The cast handle makes it easy to move and it can be locked to prevent theft.
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Thông tin sản phẩm

Compatible outer diameter: 50 to 150A
Width (mm): 230
Depth (mm): 140
Height (mm): 170

RIDGID 88232

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