RIDGID 76188 | RIDGID Việt Nam | HTGoods
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Thông tin sản phẩm

A cordless drill driver is required to operate the main unit.
Impact drivers and hammer drills cannot be used .
Cleaning distance (m): 9.1
Cleaning pipe diameter (mm): 32-50
Included wire (mm x m): 6 x 9
Width (mm): 360
Depth (mm): 130
Height (mm): 390
Model: K9-12
Drain pipe cleaning cleaner

RIDGID 76188

RIDGID Việt Nam | RIDGID Flex Shaft K9-12 MW5627241

Thương hiệu: RIDGID
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  • The chain knocker thoroughly removes dirt.
  • It is conveniently powered by a cordless electric screwdriver, so there are no annoying AC power cords or water supply cords.
  • The cable can be stored inside the drum, so it won't get your floor dirty.
  • Xem thêm

Thông tin sản phẩm

A cordless drill driver is required to operate the main unit.
Impact drivers and hammer drills cannot be used .
Cleaning distance (m): 9.1
Cleaning pipe diameter (mm): 32-50
Included wire (mm x m): 6 x 9
Width (mm): 360
Depth (mm): 130
Height (mm): 390
Model: K9-12
Drain pipe cleaning cleaner

RIDGID 76188

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