RIDGID 46753 | RIDGID Việt Nam | HTGoods
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • The built-in waterproof LED light illuminates the tip brightly.
  • The T-handle can be rotated 180 degrees and is also removable.
  • Commercially available ratchet handles and spinner handles can be used.
  • The ergonomically designed grip is easy to hold.
  • It can be adjusted to expand and contract.
  • Turning nuts on the back of the sink and washbasin.
Specifications in detail
Compatible dimensions (mm): 12 to 32
Total length (mm): 255-505
Model: 2017
Usage range (mm): 12-32

RIDGID 46753

RIDGID Việt Nam | RIDGID 2017 Basin Wrench MW7883188

Thương hiệu: RIDGID
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The built-in waterproof LED light illuminates the tip brightly. The T-handle can be rotated 180 degrees and is also removable. Commercially available ratchet handles and spinner handles can be used. The ergonomically designed grip is easy to hold. It can be adjusted to expand and contract.
Turning nuts on the back of the sink and washbasin.
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • The built-in waterproof LED light illuminates the tip brightly.
  • The T-handle can be rotated 180 degrees and is also removable.
  • Commercially available ratchet handles and spinner handles can be used.
  • The ergonomically designed grip is easy to hold.
  • It can be adjusted to expand and contract.
  • Turning nuts on the back of the sink and washbasin.
Specifications in detail
Compatible dimensions (mm): 12 to 32
Total length (mm): 255-505
Model: 2017
Usage range (mm): 12-32

RIDGID 46753

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