RIDGID 31180 | RIDGID Việt Nam | HTGoods
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • Equipped with a telescopic handle, it can be adjusted from 254 to 432 mm (except for 31170).
  • The jaws can be freely bent up to a 90° angle by the tension plug to securely grip the nut.
  • Turning nuts on the back of the sink and washbasin.
Specifications in detail
Compatible dimensions (mm): 32-65
Total length (mm): 254-432
Model: 1019

RIDGID 31180

RIDGID Việt Nam | RIDGID 1019 Basin Wrench MW3719839

Thương hiệu: RIDGID
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Equipped with a telescopic handle, it can be adjusted from 254 to 432 mm (except for 31170). The jaws can be freely bent up to a 90° angle by the tension plug to securely grip the nut.
Turning nuts on the back of the sink and washbasin.
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • Equipped with a telescopic handle, it can be adjusted from 254 to 432 mm (except for 31170).
  • The jaws can be freely bent up to a 90° angle by the tension plug to securely grip the nut.
  • Turning nuts on the back of the sink and washbasin.
Specifications in detail
Compatible dimensions (mm): 32-65
Total length (mm): 254-432
Model: 1019

RIDGID 31180

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