OLFA 149B | OLFA Việt Nam | HTGoods
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • This is a highly safe cutter for opening boxes, as the blade automatically returns to its original position using a spring.
  • The separately sold S-hook blade can also be attached.
  • For cutting thick materials such as cardboard and plywood.
Specifications in detail
Blade thickness: 0.6mm
The blade can be used twice, front and back.
Standard blade: XB108S
Total length (mm): 142
Blade thickness (mm): 0.6
Compatible blades: XB108S, XB108F, MSFB-10
Total thickness (mm): 24
Overall width (mm): 38


OLFA Việt Nam | OLFA Safety Cutter MW3600670

Thương hiệu: OLFA
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This is a highly safe cutter for opening boxes, as the blade automatically returns to its original position using a spring. The separately sold S-hook blade can also be attached.
For cutting thick materials such as cardboard and plywood.
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • This is a highly safe cutter for opening boxes, as the blade automatically returns to its original position using a spring.
  • The separately sold S-hook blade can also be attached.
  • For cutting thick materials such as cardboard and plywood.
Specifications in detail
Blade thickness: 0.6mm
The blade can be used twice, front and back.
Standard blade: XB108S
Total length (mm): 142
Blade thickness (mm): 0.6
Compatible blades: XB108S, XB108F, MSFB-10
Total thickness (mm): 24
Overall width (mm): 38


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