OLFA 221B | OLFA Việt Nam | HTGoods
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • The blade is screwed in so no tools are required to replace the blade.
  • It has a temporary locking function that prevents the blade from falling off even if the screw is loosened.
  • It is equipped with an end block that can be used by hitting it with a hammer.
Specifications in detail
Blade thickness: 0.8mm (with XBSCR-08)
Standard blade: XBSCR-08
Total length (mm): 311
Blade width (mm): 100
Blade length (mm): 18
Blade thickness (mm): 0.8


OLFA Việt Nam | OLFA Hyper Scraper 300 MW4858425

Thương hiệu: OLFA
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The blade is screwed in so no tools are required to replace the blade. It has a temporary locking function that prevents the blade from falling off even if the screw is loosened. It is equipped with an end block that can be used by hitting it with a hammer.
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • The blade is screwed in so no tools are required to replace the blade.
  • It has a temporary locking function that prevents the blade from falling off even if the screw is loosened.
  • It is equipped with an end block that can be used by hitting it with a hammer.
Specifications in detail
Blade thickness: 0.8mm (with XBSCR-08)
Standard blade: XBSCR-08
Total length (mm): 311
Blade width (mm): 100
Blade length (mm): 18
Blade thickness (mm): 0.8


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