NAGANO GV50-123-25.0MP | NAGANO Việt Nam | HTGoods
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Thông tin sản phẩm


  • The stainless steel wetted parts and case material provide excellent corrosion resistance and atmospheric resistance.
  • This pressure gauge is designed to be used exclusively under vibration conditions. The internal mechanism is immersed in a filling liquid to suppress vibration of the moving parts, prevent wear on the internal link mechanism, and make maintenance easier.


  • For high vibration resistance and durability.
Specifications in detail
Pressure range (MPa): 0.0 to 25.00
Minimum scale (MPa): 1.000
Accuracy: ±1.5% FS
Connection size: G1/4B
Size (mm): 60
Case shape: A
Color: Silver

NAGANO GV50-123-25.0MP

NAGANO Việt Nam | Nagano Glycerin Pressure Gauge Pressure range (MPa): 0.0 to 25.00 Glycerin Bath Type Pressure Gauges MW4349695

Thương hiệu: NAGANO
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Features: The stainless steel wetted parts and case material provide excellent corrosion resistance and atmospheric resistance.This pressure gauge is designed to be used exclusively under vibration conditions. The internal mechanism is immersed in a filling liquid to suppress vibration of the moving parts, prevent wear on the internal link mechanism, and make maintenance easier.
Applications: For high vibration resistance and durability.
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Thông tin sản phẩm


  • The stainless steel wetted parts and case material provide excellent corrosion resistance and atmospheric resistance.
  • This pressure gauge is designed to be used exclusively under vibration conditions. The internal mechanism is immersed in a filling liquid to suppress vibration of the moving parts, prevent wear on the internal link mechanism, and make maintenance easier.


  • For high vibration resistance and durability.
Specifications in detail
Pressure range (MPa): 0.0 to 25.00
Minimum scale (MPa): 1.000
Accuracy: ±1.5% FS
Connection size: G1/4B
Size (mm): 60
Case shape: A
Color: Silver

NAGANO GV50-123-25.0MP

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