MOKUBA C6-251 | MOKUBA Việt Nam | HTGoods
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • This one tool can be used for three purposes: nail puller, hammer, and scraper.
  • The tip of the tail is thin, allowing it to penetrate into narrow gaps.
  • For renovation and repair work.
  • For pulling nails, scraping, and peeling.
  • Lifting work such as plasterboard and siding.
  • Work to adjust the width of flooring.
Specifications in detail
Split tail
Total length (mm): 250
Tail width (mm): 45
Type: Tail split


MOKUBA Việt Nam | Mokuba Santoku Crowbar (tail split) 250mm (blister pack) MW3601960

Thương hiệu: MOKUBA
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This one tool can be used for three purposes: nail puller, hammer, and scraper. The tip of the tail is thin, allowing it to penetrate into narrow gaps.
For renovation and repair work. For pulling nails, scraping, and peeling. Lifting work such as plasterboard and siding. Work to adjust the width of flooring.
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • This one tool can be used for three purposes: nail puller, hammer, and scraper.
  • The tip of the tail is thin, allowing it to penetrate into narrow gaps.
  • For renovation and repair work.
  • For pulling nails, scraping, and peeling.
  • Lifting work such as plasterboard and siding.
  • Work to adjust the width of flooring.
Specifications in detail
Split tail
Total length (mm): 250
Tail width (mm): 45
Type: Tail split


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