MOKUBA C13-90 | MOKUBA Việt Nam | HTGoods
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • Comes with a hole for a safety rope when working at height.
  • The head is shaped to be easy to hit with a hammer, so you can use it to hammer into gaps near walls when peeling. It also has a distinctive crane-like shape, so you can peel with less force.
  • The tail is wide and thin, and fits easily into the gap.
  • For pulling out nails, levering, and scraping.
  • For disaster prevention and lifesaving.
  • Used as a lever to move heavy objects.
  • Temporary frame work.
Specifications in detail
Total length (mm): 900
Blade width (mm): 45
Tail width (mm): 45


MOKUBA Việt Nam | Mokuba brand scraper crowbar 900mm MW3274519

Thương hiệu: MOKUBA
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Comes with a hole for a safety rope when working at height. The head is shaped to be easy to hit with a hammer, so you can use it to hammer into gaps near walls when peeling. It also has a distinctive crane-like shape, so you can peel with less force. The tail is wide and thin, and fits easily into the gap.
For pulling out nails, levering, and scraping. For disaster prevention and lifesaving. Used as a lever to move heavy objects. Temporary frame work.
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • Comes with a hole for a safety rope when working at height.
  • The head is shaped to be easy to hit with a hammer, so you can use it to hammer into gaps near walls when peeling. It also has a distinctive crane-like shape, so you can peel with less force.
  • The tail is wide and thin, and fits easily into the gap.
  • For pulling out nails, levering, and scraping.
  • For disaster prevention and lifesaving.
  • Used as a lever to move heavy objects.
  • Temporary frame work.
Specifications in detail
Total length (mm): 900
Blade width (mm): 45
Tail width (mm): 45


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