MOKUBA D11-12 | MOKUBA Việt Nam | HTGoods
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • The tip shape makes it easy to lift heavy objects.
  • The lever part is angled optimally, allowing for efficient leveraging work.
  • It is also ideal as a disaster preparedness item.
  • For installing machinery and heavy equipment.
  • For landscaping work.
  • Leverage for heavy objects
  • As a disaster prevention and life-saving tool
Specifications in detail
Blade width (mm): 43
Total length (mm): 1200


MOKUBA Việt Nam | Mokuba brand metal lever 43 width x 25Φ x 1200mm MW2182408

Thương hiệu: MOKUBA
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The tip shape makes it easy to lift heavy objects. The lever part is angled optimally, allowing for efficient leveraging work. It is also ideal as a disaster preparedness item.
For installing machinery and heavy equipment. For landscaping work. Leverage for heavy objects As a disaster prevention and life-saving tool
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • The tip shape makes it easy to lift heavy objects.
  • The lever part is angled optimally, allowing for efficient leveraging work.
  • It is also ideal as a disaster preparedness item.
  • For installing machinery and heavy equipment.
  • For landscaping work.
  • Leverage for heavy objects
  • As a disaster prevention and life-saving tool
Specifications in detail
Blade width (mm): 43
Total length (mm): 1200


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