MOKUBA C12-750 | MOKUBA Việt Nam | HTGoods
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • The entire product is heat-treated to make it extremely resistant to bending and breaking.
  • The tip shape, carefully designed by the crowbar manufacturer, improves workability.
  • The V-notches on both ends of the crowbar can be used to pull out nails.
  • Both ends of the crowbar are bent at different angles, allowing for efficient removal, demolition, and leveraging work.
  • Temporary frame, dismantling work.
  • For disaster prevention and lifesaving.
  • Used as a lever to move heavy objects.
  • Nail removal work.
Specifications in detail
Total length (mm): 750

MOKUBA C12-750

MOKUBA Việt Nam | Mokuba brand flat bar (vertical type) 750mm MW3990052

Thương hiệu: MOKUBA
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The entire product is heat-treated to make it extremely resistant to bending and breaking. The tip shape, carefully designed by the crowbar manufacturer, improves workability. The V-notches on both ends of the crowbar can be used to pull out nails. Both ends of the crowbar are bent at different angles, allowing for efficient removal, demolition, and leveraging work.
Temporary frame, dismantling work. For disaster prevention and lifesaving. Used as a lever to move heavy objects. Nai...
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • The entire product is heat-treated to make it extremely resistant to bending and breaking.
  • The tip shape, carefully designed by the crowbar manufacturer, improves workability.
  • The V-notches on both ends of the crowbar can be used to pull out nails.
  • Both ends of the crowbar are bent at different angles, allowing for efficient removal, demolition, and leveraging work.
  • Temporary frame, dismantling work.
  • For disaster prevention and lifesaving.
  • Used as a lever to move heavy objects.
  • Nail removal work.
Specifications in detail
Total length (mm): 750

MOKUBA C12-750

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