MITOLOY ATR0610 | MITOLOY Việt Nam | HTGoods
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • For removing nylon tubes from one-touch fittings that are often used in large vehicles.
  • Its unique shape allows it to be used in both directions (pushing and pulling).
  • For removing nylon tubes from one-touch fittings used in air piping, etc.
Specifications in detail
Total length (mm): 190
Diagonal size (mm): 6 x 10
Grip color: Red
Opposite side (mm): 6 x 10
Pattern color: Red


MITOLOY Việt Nam | Mitroy Air Tube Remover 6X10 MW4715462

Thương hiệu: MITOLOY
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For removing nylon tubes from one-touch fittings that are often used in large vehicles. Its unique shape allows it to be used in both directions (pushing and pulling).
For removing nylon tubes from one-touch fittings used in air piping, etc.
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • For removing nylon tubes from one-touch fittings that are often used in large vehicles.
  • Its unique shape allows it to be used in both directions (pushing and pulling).
  • For removing nylon tubes from one-touch fittings used in air piping, etc.
Specifications in detail
Total length (mm): 190
Diagonal size (mm): 6 x 10
Grip color: Red
Opposite side (mm): 6 x 10
Pattern color: Red


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