MERRY HT-130 | MERRY Việt Nam | HTGoods
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • Because the tip of the blade is heated by a heater, even when cutting fragile resin, it will not crack or break, and other resins can be cut with little force.
  • Cutting easily breakable resins such as acrylic, polystyrene, and glass-filled resin.
Specifications in detail
Long blade
Transformer (sold separately): HTR30N-100V
Replacement heater No.: W19
Total length (mm): 165
Cutting capacity (mm): φ4
Maximum blade temperature (℃): 140
Blade shape: Long


MERRY Việt Nam | Merry Heat Nipper HT130 MW1115022

Thương hiệu: MERRY
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Because the tip of the blade is heated by a heater, even when cutting fragile resin, it will not crack or break, and other resins can be cut with little force.
Cutting easily breakable resins such as acrylic, polystyrene, and glass-filled resin.
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • Because the tip of the blade is heated by a heater, even when cutting fragile resin, it will not crack or break, and other resins can be cut with little force.
  • Cutting easily breakable resins such as acrylic, polystyrene, and glass-filled resin.
Specifications in detail
Long blade
Transformer (sold separately): HTR30N-100V
Replacement heater No.: W19
Total length (mm): 165
Cutting capacity (mm): φ4
Maximum blade temperature (℃): 140
Blade shape: Long


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