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Thông tin sản phẩm


  • AP rivets are suitable for a wide range of plate thicknesses, making it possible to rivet a wide range of plates with just one type.
  • It has excellent confidentiality and is also compatible with soft boards.
  • We have created a small, convenient eco-friendly box that can be used for any job you need without waste.
  • We have all types and sizes of products available, from standard types to various types.


  • For fastening metal to metal, plastic to plastic, and dissimilar materials (metal and plastic, etc.).
  • In addition to fastening metal to metal and plastic to plastic, it is also possible to fasten dissimilar base materials (metal and plastic, etc.).
Specifications in detail
Eco Box
Crimping Plate Thickness (mm): 1.0-4.8
Rivet Length (mm): 8.2
Flange Diameter (mm): 6.4
Rivet Diameter (mm): 3.2
Pilot Hole Diameter (mm): 3.4-3.5
Shear Strength (N): 740
Tensile Strength (N): 970


LOBSTER Việt Nam | EBI AP Rivet (Aluminum/Steel) 4-3 (300 pcs) Eco Box Blind Rivet Adaptable Blind Rivet MW3720047

Thương hiệu: LOBSTER
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Features: AP rivets are suitable for a wide range of plate thicknesses, making it possible to rivet a wide range of plates with just one type.It has excellent confidentiality and is also compatible with soft boards.We have created a small, convenient eco-friendly box that can be used for any job you need without waste.We have all types and sizes of products available, from standard types to various types.
Applications: For fastening metal to metal, plastic to plastic, and dissimilar materials (metal and plastic, etc.).In addition to fastening metal to metal and plastic to plastic, it is also pos...
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Thông tin sản phẩm


  • AP rivets are suitable for a wide range of plate thicknesses, making it possible to rivet a wide range of plates with just one type.
  • It has excellent confidentiality and is also compatible with soft boards.
  • We have created a small, convenient eco-friendly box that can be used for any job you need without waste.
  • We have all types and sizes of products available, from standard types to various types.


  • For fastening metal to metal, plastic to plastic, and dissimilar materials (metal and plastic, etc.).
  • In addition to fastening metal to metal and plastic to plastic, it is also possible to fasten dissimilar base materials (metal and plastic, etc.).
Specifications in detail
Eco Box
Crimping Plate Thickness (mm): 1.0-4.8
Rivet Length (mm): 8.2
Flange Diameter (mm): 6.4
Rivet Diameter (mm): 3.2
Pilot Hole Diameter (mm): 3.4-3.5
Shear Strength (N): 740
Tensile Strength (N): 970


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