KTC AYSC-20F | KTC Việt Nam | HTGoods
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • It has a framework that does not interfere with the shoulders and is equipped with high-density cushioning.
Specifications in detail
Total length (mm): 1010
Overall width (mm): 420
Overall height (mm): 140
Type: Flat


KTC Việt Nam | KTC Service Creeper (Flat) Total length 1010mm Total width 420mm Total height 140mm MW3957799

Thương hiệu: KTC
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Liên hệ
It has a framework that does not interfere with the shoulders and is equipped with high-density cushioning.
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • It has a framework that does not interfere with the shoulders and is equipped with high-density cushioning.
Specifications in detail
Total length (mm): 1010
Overall width (mm): 420
Overall height (mm): 140
Type: Flat


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