KTC D1P2-2 | KTC Việt Nam | HTGoods
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Thông tin sản phẩm


  • It has a square-shaped resin grip that makes it easy to apply force.
  • There is a hexagonal section at the base of the shaft.
  • The shaft is hexagonal.


  • General Tools
Specifications in detail
Penetrating type
Tip: Magnet included
Tip with magnet Blade
tip: (+) No.2
Shaft length (mm): 100
Total length (mm): 210

KTC D1P2-2

KTC Việt Nam | KTC Plastic Handle Driver Cross-Penetrating Type Tip No. 2 Shaft Length 100mm MW3733637

Thương hiệu: KTC
Còn hàng
Liên hệ
Features: It has a square-shaped resin grip that makes it easy to apply force.There is a hexagonal section at the base of the shaft.The shaft is hexagonal.
Applications: General Tools
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Thông tin sản phẩm


  • It has a square-shaped resin grip that makes it easy to apply force.
  • There is a hexagonal section at the base of the shaft.
  • The shaft is hexagonal.


  • General Tools
Specifications in detail
Penetrating type
Tip: Magnet included
Tip with magnet Blade
tip: (+) No.2
Shaft length (mm): 100
Total length (mm): 210

KTC D1P2-2

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