KTC VK-300 | KTC Việt Nam | HTGoods
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • This is a cleaning tool that uses magnetic force to collect parts and scrap iron scattered on floors and corridors in factories and other places.
  • It has casters so you can work smoothly.
  • The handle has a release function that releases the magnetic force, allowing you to safely remove collected chips and other debris.
  • The handle is extendable, making it easy to store.
  • Maintenance aids.
Specifications in detail
Narrow Type
Total length (mm): 720-1035
Adsorption power (g): 400
Head width (mm): 318
Head diameter (mm): 95
Head width x head diameter x total length (mm): 318 x 95 x 720 ~ 1035

KTC VK-300

KTC Việt Nam | KTC Magnetic Cleaner (Narrow Type) MW8070911

Thương hiệu: KTC
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Liên hệ
This is a cleaning tool that uses magnetic force to collect parts and scrap iron scattered on floors and corridors in factories and other places. It has casters so you can work smoothly. The handle has a release function that releases the magnetic force, allowing you to safely remove collected chips and other debris. The handle is extendable, making it easy to store.
Maintenance aids.
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • This is a cleaning tool that uses magnetic force to collect parts and scrap iron scattered on floors and corridors in factories and other places.
  • It has casters so you can work smoothly.
  • The handle has a release function that releases the magnetic force, allowing you to safely remove collected chips and other debris.
  • The handle is extendable, making it easy to store.
  • Maintenance aids.
Specifications in detail
Narrow Type
Total length (mm): 720-1035
Adsorption power (g): 400
Head width (mm): 318
Head diameter (mm): 95
Head width x head diameter x total length (mm): 318 x 95 x 720 ~ 1035

KTC VK-300

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