KTC AE921 | KTC Việt Nam | HTGoods
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • Since it is a screw type, it can hold the hose band in a loosened state.
  • You can work reliably even in tight spaces.
  • The teeth have a checkerboard-like edge, so the hose clip does not slip and will not come off accidentally.
  • Spring-loaded hose clip installation and removal
Specifications in detail
Total length (mm): 87
Mouth opening (mm): 40
Insertion angle (mm): 9.5


KTC Việt Nam | KTC Hose Clip Tool, total length 87mm MW3957756

Thương hiệu: KTC
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Since it is a screw type, it can hold the hose band in a loosened state. You can work reliably even in tight spaces. The teeth have a checkerboard-like edge, so the hose clip does not slip and will not come off accidentally.
Spring-loaded hose clip installation and removal
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • Since it is a screw type, it can hold the hose band in a loosened state.
  • You can work reliably even in tight spaces.
  • The teeth have a checkerboard-like edge, so the hose clip does not slip and will not come off accidentally.
  • Spring-loaded hose clip installation and removal
Specifications in detail
Total length (mm): 87
Mouth opening (mm): 40
Insertion angle (mm): 9.5


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