KTC CW-90140 | KTC Việt Nam | HTGoods
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • Used to remove cartridge type oil filters.
  • The unique swivel head mechanism ensures that the rotational load acts on the entire chain, preventing concentrated loads that can cause cartridge deformation.
  • Oil filter Fuel filter replacement tool
Specifications in detail
Can be used for cartridge type oil filters and fuel filters with diameters from Φ90 to Φ125.
Minimum compatible diameter (mm): 90
Maximum compatible diameter (mm): 125
Total length (mm): 140
Suitable diameter (mm): 90-125

KTC CW-90140

KTC Việt Nam | KTC Chain Type Cartridge Wrench MW3733459

Thương hiệu: KTC
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Used to remove cartridge type oil filters. The unique swivel head mechanism ensures that the rotational load acts on the entire chain, preventing concentrated loads that can cause cartridge deformation.
Oil filter Fuel filter replacement tool
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • Used to remove cartridge type oil filters.
  • The unique swivel head mechanism ensures that the rotational load acts on the entire chain, preventing concentrated loads that can cause cartridge deformation.
  • Oil filter Fuel filter replacement tool
Specifications in detail
Can be used for cartridge type oil filters and fuel filters with diameters from Φ90 to Φ125.
Minimum compatible diameter (mm): 90
Maximum compatible diameter (mm): 125
Total length (mm): 140
Suitable diameter (mm): 90-125

KTC CW-90140

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