KOKEN 4025.60-T60 | KOKEN Việt Nam | HTGoods
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • By combining it with various handles, including a ratchet handle, it becomes possible to perform tasks that are impossible with an L-shaped wrench.
  • Bit socket for Torx bolts.
Specifications in detail
Insertion angle (mm): 12.7
Nominal No.: T60
Tip dimension (mm): 13.3
Total length (mm): 60

KOKEN 4025.60-T60

KOKEN Việt Nam | Ko-ken Torx Bit Socket T60 12.7mm Socket Tip 13.3mm 60L MW8119316

Thương hiệu: KOKEN
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By combining it with various handles, including a ratchet handle, it becomes possible to perform tasks that are impossible with an L-shaped wrench. Bit socket for Torx bolts.
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • By combining it with various handles, including a ratchet handle, it becomes possible to perform tasks that are impossible with an L-shaped wrench.
  • Bit socket for Torx bolts.
Specifications in detail
Insertion angle (mm): 12.7
Nominal No.: T60
Tip dimension (mm): 13.3
Total length (mm): 60

KOKEN 4025.60-T60

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