KITO E3DEX10R16013 | KITO Việt Nam | HTGoods
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Thông tin sản phẩm


  • This is a complete parts panel van for the Kito Select ED3B electric chain hoist.


  • Please pay attention to the compatible models.
Specifications in detail
name: Panel van complete set
Applicable models: EDX (06ST, 10ST, 06SD, 10SD) ED3C type exclusive product, EDXC (06SD, 10SD) ED3C type exclusive product

KITO E3DEX10R16013

KITO Việt Nam | KITO Electric Chain Block KITO Select ED3B Type Parts Panel Van 1 Set Compatible Models: EDX (06ST, 10ST, etc.), DXC (06SD, 10SD) Parts for Electric Chain Hoist MW2247092

Thương hiệu: KITO
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Features: This is a complete parts panel van for the Kito Select ED3B electric chain hoist.
Note Please pay attention to the compatible models.
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Thông tin sản phẩm


  • This is a complete parts panel van for the Kito Select ED3B electric chain hoist.


  • Please pay attention to the compatible models.
Specifications in detail
name: Panel van complete set
Applicable models: EDX (06ST, 10ST, 06SD, 10SD) ED3C type exclusive product, EDXC (06SD, 10SD) ED3C type exclusive product

KITO E3DEX10R16013

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