KDS ST10-02BP | KDS Việt Nam | HTGoods
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • It is a flat tape with adhesive.
  • You can cut it freely.
  • The numbers are arranged from left to right.
  • The scale numbers are in millimeter units.
  • For mounting to workbenches, machines, etc.
  • For use as reference scales on desks, workbenches, machine tools, etc.
Specifications in detail
Scale: 1mm pitch
Numbers: 10mm pitch
Flat tape with adhesive
Total length (mm): 2000
Scale pitch(mm): 1
Number pitch(mm):10
Scale type: Positive scale
Adhesive tape included: yes


KDS Việt Nam | KDS Setting Measure 10 Width 2m MW3762025

Thương hiệu: KDS
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It is a flat tape with adhesive. You can cut it freely. The numbers are arranged from left to right. The scale numbers are in millimeter units.
For mounting to workbenches, machines, etc. For use as reference scales on desks, workbenches, machine tools, etc.
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • It is a flat tape with adhesive.
  • You can cut it freely.
  • The numbers are arranged from left to right.
  • The scale numbers are in millimeter units.
  • For mounting to workbenches, machines, etc.
  • For use as reference scales on desks, workbenches, machine tools, etc.
Specifications in detail
Scale: 1mm pitch
Numbers: 10mm pitch
Flat tape with adhesive
Total length (mm): 2000
Scale pitch(mm): 1
Number pitch(mm):10
Scale type: Positive scale
Adhesive tape included: yes


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