KDS QLC-150 | KDS Việt Nam | HTGoods
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • Made of metal
  • With release lever
  • Robust metal bar that is hard to bend
  • Fastening and releasing
Specifications in detail
Clamping force: 200kg
Clamp width: 150mm
Body dimensions: 270 x 120 mm
Pocket depth: 95mm
Total length (mm): 270
Clamping width (mm): 150
Maximum clamping force (kg): 200
Clamping force (kg): 200
Product name: Quick Lever Clamp 150
Pocket depth (mm): 95


KDS Việt Nam | KDS Quick Lever Clamp 150 MW1468559

Thương hiệu: KDS
Còn hàng
Liên hệ
Made of metal With release lever Robust metal bar that is hard to bend
Fastening and releasing
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • Made of metal
  • With release lever
  • Robust metal bar that is hard to bend
  • Fastening and releasing
Specifications in detail
Clamping force: 200kg
Clamp width: 150mm
Body dimensions: 270 x 120 mm
Pocket depth: 95mm
Total length (mm): 270
Clamping width (mm): 150
Maximum clamping force (kg): 200
Clamping force (kg): 200
Product name: Quick Lever Clamp 150
Pocket depth (mm): 95


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