KDS LLP-5PLUS | KDS Việt Nam | HTGoods
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • Shines a crosshair.
  • Laser guidelines are clearly displayed in areas where marking is not possible.
  • It has three rotating parts, so you can project lines in any direction, up and down, left and right, 360 degrees.
  • The base is magnetic, making it easy to install.
  • For positioning and marking work at work sites
Specifications in detail
Operating temperature range: -5℃ to +45℃
Laser color: Red
Beam angle (°): Vertical: 105, Horizontal: 90
Light source: Visible light semiconductor laser
Optical output: 1mW or less
Power supply (V): AC100
Line indication accuracy: ±1mm/5m (linearity)
Operating temperature range (℃): -5℃ to +45℃
Laser safety standard: Class 2 (JIS C6802:2005)
Protection rating: IP54 (except AC)
Accuracy: ±1mm/5m (linearity)
Wavelength: 635nm


KDS Việt Nam | KDS Line Laser Projector 5+ MW7777787

Thương hiệu: KDS
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Liên hệ
Shines a crosshair. Laser guidelines are clearly displayed in areas where marking is not possible. It has three rotating parts, so you can project lines in any direction, up and down, left and right, 360 degrees. The base is magnetic, making it easy to install.
For positioning and marking work at work sites
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • Shines a crosshair.
  • Laser guidelines are clearly displayed in areas where marking is not possible.
  • It has three rotating parts, so you can project lines in any direction, up and down, left and right, 360 degrees.
  • The base is magnetic, making it easy to install.
  • For positioning and marking work at work sites
Specifications in detail
Operating temperature range: -5℃ to +45℃
Laser color: Red
Beam angle (°): Vertical: 105, Horizontal: 90
Light source: Visible light semiconductor laser
Optical output: 1mW or less
Power supply (V): AC100
Line indication accuracy: ±1mm/5m (linearity)
Operating temperature range (℃): -5℃ to +45℃
Laser safety standard: Class 2 (JIS C6802:2005)
Protection rating: IP54 (except AC)
Accuracy: ±1mm/5m (linearity)
Wavelength: 635nm


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