KDS HK-11 | KDS Việt Nam | HTGoods
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Thông tin sản phẩm

Pull-and-cut hook blade (with fold line)
Blade thickness: 0.5mm
Total length (mm): 152
Blade thickness (mm): 0.5
Compatible blade: HK-5H
Type: Screw lock type
Description: Screw lock type


KDS Việt Nam | KDS Hook L MW3258700

Thương hiệu: KDS
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Đặc tính
  • It cuts carpets and wallpaper by pulling them through, so the underlying surface is not damaged.
  • Ideal for unpacking tasks.
  • Secure the blade with a screw lock.
  • The blades are made in Solingen, Germany.
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Thông tin sản phẩm

Pull-and-cut hook blade (with fold line)
Blade thickness: 0.5mm
Total length (mm): 152
Blade thickness (mm): 0.5
Compatible blade: HK-5H
Type: Screw lock type
Description: Screw lock type


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