KDS SF-16B | KDS Việt Nam | HTGoods
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Thông tin sản phẩm


  • The plumb bob has an original design with a moving center core, which helps to prolong the life of the tip and also ensures safety in the event of a fall.
  • Needles can be easily removed with just one push.
  • The plumb bob can be stored in the handle.
  • The one-push handle, which uses the principle of leverage, makes it easy to remove fixed needles.
  • The needle can be replaced with a single touch.


  • For vertical measurements.
Specifications in detail
Plumb weight: 400g Replacement needle
with magnet for steel frames
: SF-P2
Color: Red
Thread length (m): 4.5
Compatible plumb weight (g): 400
Total length (mm): 210
Vertical (mm): 210
Horizontal (mm): 35
Wire diameter (mm): 1.1
Automatic stop mechanism: Hayadome (separate part) included


KDS Việt Nam | KDS High Freeman Plumb & Holder High Freeman MW1097105

Thương hiệu: KDS
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Features: The plumb bob has an original design with a moving center core, which helps to prolong the life of the tip and also ensures safety in the event of a fall.Needles can be easily removed with just one push.The plumb bob can be stored in the handle.The one-push handle, which uses the principle of leverage, makes it easy to remove fixed needles.The needle can be replaced with a single touch.
Applications: For vertical measurements.
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Thông tin sản phẩm


  • The plumb bob has an original design with a moving center core, which helps to prolong the life of the tip and also ensures safety in the event of a fall.
  • Needles can be easily removed with just one push.
  • The plumb bob can be stored in the handle.
  • The one-push handle, which uses the principle of leverage, makes it easy to remove fixed needles.
  • The needle can be replaced with a single touch.


  • For vertical measurements.
Specifications in detail
Plumb weight: 400g Replacement needle
with magnet for steel frames
: SF-P2
Color: Red
Thread length (m): 4.5
Compatible plumb weight (g): 400
Total length (mm): 210
Vertical (mm): 210
Horizontal (mm): 35
Wire diameter (mm): 1.1
Automatic stop mechanism: Hayadome (separate part) included


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