KANON E-PITA15 | KANON Việt Nam | HTGoods
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Thông tin sản phẩm

Manufacturer code: 170162
Measurement range (mm): 0 to 150
Minimum display (mm): 0.01
Outer jaw (mm): 40
Inner jaw (mm): 17
Depth bar:
Instrument error (mm): ±0.02
Power supply: Button-type silver oxide battery (SR44) x 1 (included)
Power supply (V): Button-type silver oxide battery (SR44) x 1 (included)


KANON Việt Nam | Kanon Digital Caliper 150mm MW2736411

Thương hiệu: KANON
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  • This product is the recipient of the 2009 Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology's "Creativity and Ingenuity Award."
  • Ideal for measuring turned workpieces.
  • This is a digital version of a revolutionary vernier caliper with a flat head and cut end face.
  • Xem thêm

Thông tin sản phẩm

Manufacturer code: 170162
Measurement range (mm): 0 to 150
Minimum display (mm): 0.01
Outer jaw (mm): 40
Inner jaw (mm): 17
Depth bar:
Instrument error (mm): ±0.02
Power supply: Button-type silver oxide battery (SR44) x 1 (included)
Power supply (V): Button-type silver oxide battery (SR44) x 1 (included)


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