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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • The product itself is not magnetic, so it is placed on a magnetic chuck and the magnetic field is induced to attract the workpiece.
  • It can easily handle workpieces with special shapes and makes full use of existing chucks.
  • Additional processing is also possible.
  • It comes in a set of two.
  • Can be used in conjunction with a magnetic chuck to assist in adhering to objects that are difficult to adsorb using the chuck alone, such as the sides of plate-shaped objects.
  • This is a block for fastening workpieces whose shape cannot be adsorbed by the chuck working surface alone.
Specifications in detail
Magnetic induction direction: Top and both sides
Depth (mm): 72
Height (mm): 22


KANETEC Việt Nam | KANETEC Square Chuck Block, Magnetic Induction Type, Set of 2 MW1048813

Thương hiệu: KANETEC
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Liên hệ
The product itself is not magnetic, so it is placed on a magnetic chuck and the magnetic field is induced to attract the workpiece. It can easily handle workpieces with special shapes and makes full use of existing chucks. Additional processing is also possible. It comes in a set of two.
Can be used in conjunction with a magnetic chuck to assist in adhering to objects that are difficult to adsorb using the chuck alone, such as the sides of plate-shaped objects. This is a block for fastening workpieces whose shape cannot be adsorbed by the chuck working surface alone.
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • The product itself is not magnetic, so it is placed on a magnetic chuck and the magnetic field is induced to attract the workpiece.
  • It can easily handle workpieces with special shapes and makes full use of existing chucks.
  • Additional processing is also possible.
  • It comes in a set of two.
  • Can be used in conjunction with a magnetic chuck to assist in adhering to objects that are difficult to adsorb using the chuck alone, such as the sides of plate-shaped objects.
  • This is a block for fastening workpieces whose shape cannot be adsorbed by the chuck working surface alone.
Specifications in detail
Magnetic induction direction: Top and both sides
Depth (mm): 72
Height (mm): 22


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