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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • The handle can be either fixed or detached.
  • It has a V-groove mechanism that can hold both curved and flat surfaces.
  • We also offer special precision finishing.
  • It has a drip-proof and oil-resistant structure.
  • The special structure on three surfaces - the top, bottom, and end surfaces - generates adhesive force.
  • It can be easily attached and detached by operating the handle.
  • Used as a holding device for precision work such as measuring, drilling, and marking.
  • Used to fasten irregularly shaped objects during light cutting such as grinding, drilling, and tapping.
Specifications in detail
Magnet switch lever position: Front
Adsorption power (N): 230
Height (mm): 100
Usable diameter (φ): 8 to 125
Adsorption surface: Top surface (V surface), back surface (end surface)


KANETEC Việt Nam | KANETEC Magnet V Block MW3380131

Thương hiệu: KANETEC
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The handle can be either fixed or detached. It has a V-groove mechanism that can hold both curved and flat surfaces. We also offer special precision finishing. It has a drip-proof and oil-resistant structure. The special structure on three surfaces - the top, bottom, and end surfaces - generates adhesive force. It can be easily attached and detached by operating the handle.
Used as a holding device for precision work such as measuring, drilling, and marking. Used to fasten irregula...
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • The handle can be either fixed or detached.
  • It has a V-groove mechanism that can hold both curved and flat surfaces.
  • We also offer special precision finishing.
  • It has a drip-proof and oil-resistant structure.
  • The special structure on three surfaces - the top, bottom, and end surfaces - generates adhesive force.
  • It can be easily attached and detached by operating the handle.
  • Used as a holding device for precision work such as measuring, drilling, and marking.
  • Used to fasten irregularly shaped objects during light cutting such as grinding, drilling, and tapping.
Specifications in detail
Magnet switch lever position: Front
Adsorption power (N): 230
Height (mm): 100
Usable diameter (φ): 8 to 125
Adsorption surface: Top surface (V surface), back surface (end surface)


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