JTC Auto Tools Việt Nam | JTC high discharge air gun MW4734202 | HTGoods
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Thông tin sản phẩm

Air inlet: Rc1/4
Air discharge amount is different.
With chuck Size: Nozzle total length: 490mm, nozzle diameter 8mm, pressure 1.4MPa

JTC Auto Tools JTC5908

JTC Auto Tools Việt Nam | JTC high discharge air gun MW4734202

Thương hiệu: JTC Auto Tools
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Liên hệ
  • Can be used for various maintenance purposes.
  • Air inlet: Rc1/4
  • The air discharge amount is different.
  • With chuck Size: Nozzle total length: 490mm, nozzle diameter 8mm, pressure 1.4MPa

JTC Auto Tools JTC5908

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Thông tin sản phẩm

Air inlet: Rc1/4
Air discharge amount is different.
With chuck Size: Nozzle total length: 490mm, nozzle diameter 8mm, pressure 1.4MPa

JTC Auto Tools JTC5908

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