INOAC LR-150WJB-BK | INOAC Việt Nam | HTGoods
Bạn cần giúp đỡ? Hãy gọi: 1900 98 68 25 hoặc

Thông tin sản phẩm

Plate Type
Swivel type (with stopper)
Wheel diameter D(mm): 150
Type: Swivel (with stopper)
Allowable load (daN): 196
Allowable load (kgf): 200
Wheel width(mm):35
Mounting height H(mm): 191
Mounting seat A(mm): 102
Mounting seat B(mm): 102
Mounting pitch X(mm): 75-80
Mounting pitch Y(mm): 75-80
Mounting hole diameter P(mm): 11
Boss width B(mm): 53
Color: Black
Shaft diameter (mm): 12


INOAC Việt Nam | INOAC Low starting resistance caster with stopper and swivel bracket Φ150 Black MW3847179

Thương hiệu: INOAC
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Đặc tính
  • Low starting resistance makes it easy to handle.
  • Uses special rubber that has low starting resistance, durability and abrasion resistance.
  • It is expected to be effective in improving the working environment and reducing back pain.
Ứng dụng
  • Ideal for roll boxes (cage cars) use...
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Thông tin sản phẩm

Plate Type
Swivel type (with stopper)
Wheel diameter D(mm): 150
Type: Swivel (with stopper)
Allowable load (daN): 196
Allowable load (kgf): 200
Wheel width(mm):35
Mounting height H(mm): 191
Mounting seat A(mm): 102
Mounting seat B(mm): 102
Mounting pitch X(mm): 75-80
Mounting pitch Y(mm): 75-80
Mounting hole diameter P(mm): 11
Boss width B(mm): 53
Color: Black
Shaft diameter (mm): 12


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