IMAO CP131-06001A | IMAO Việt Nam | HTGoods
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • The workpiece can be clamped from the inside.
  • The wedge structure provides strong clamping of the workpiece.
  • The large stroke allows it to be used for cast holes, rough holes, etc.
Specifications in detail
Screw dimensions: M6 x 1
Thread length (mm): 18
Clamping force (kN): 2.1
Clamp diameter (mm): 12 to 16.3

IMAO CP131-06001A

IMAO Việt Nam | IMAO Compact Inner Diameter Clamp MW4678026

Thương hiệu: IMAO
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The workpiece can be clamped from the inside. The wedge structure provides strong clamping of the workpiece. The large stroke allows it to be used for cast holes, rough holes, etc.
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • The workpiece can be clamped from the inside.
  • The wedge structure provides strong clamping of the workpiece.
  • The large stroke allows it to be used for cast holes, rough holes, etc.
Specifications in detail
Screw dimensions: M6 x 1
Thread length (mm): 18
Clamping force (kN): 2.1
Clamp diameter (mm): 12 to 16.3

IMAO CP131-06001A

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