IMAO LL75R | IMAO Việt Nam | HTGoods
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • The grip uses a plastic grip ball.
  • The body specifications are precision holes.
  • Ideal for lever operation points on various devices
Specifications in detail
Locking Lever
Thread dimensions: M12 x 1.75
Thread depth (mm): 22
Turning radius (mm): 75
Color: Black
Grip diameter (mm): 25
Precision hole: 12H8 Hole depth: 22mm


IMAO Việt Nam | IMAO Clamp Lever Locking Lever Thread Size M12 x 1.75 MW8057596

Thương hiệu: IMAO
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The grip uses a plastic grip ball. The body specifications are precision holes.
Ideal for lever operation points on various devices
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • The grip uses a plastic grip ball.
  • The body specifications are precision holes.
  • Ideal for lever operation points on various devices
Specifications in detail
Locking Lever
Thread dimensions: M12 x 1.75
Thread depth (mm): 22
Turning radius (mm): 75
Color: Black
Grip diameter (mm): 25
Precision hole: 12H8 Hole depth: 22mm


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