HOZAN HS-344 | HOZAN Việt Nam | HTGoods
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Thông tin sản phẩm

Solid phase/liquid phase temperature (℃): 217/226
Length (reference value) (m): 20
Wire diameter (mm): φ1.0
Lead-free solder compatibility: Yes
Composition (%): Ag0.3/Sn99/Cu0.7


HOZAN Việt Nam | HOZAN solder 100g MW8107594

Thương hiệu: HOZAN
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Đặc tính
  • Although this is a cost-conscious lead-free solder, the decrease in workability has been kept to a minimum by using flux that emphasizes wettability.
  • Even when switching from Sn-3Ag-0.5Cu solder, there is no need to install new equipment or make major changes to work methods.
Ứng dụng
  • Soldering of precision electronic equipment.
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Thông tin sản phẩm

Solid phase/liquid phase temperature (℃): 217/226
Length (reference value) (m): 20
Wire diameter (mm): φ1.0
Lead-free solder compatibility: Yes
Composition (%): Ag0.3/Sn99/Cu0.7


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