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HTGoods | Dụng cụ tạo ren, taro ren
Howmett Việt Nam | Recoil Trade Series Recoil Kit (Special) MW2512463
Thông tin sản phẩm
Pilot hole diameter (mm): 8.30
Applicable bolt thread: M8×1.00
Howmett 37088
Howmett Việt Nam | Recoil Trade Series Recoil Kit (Special) MW2512463
Thương hiệu:
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Liên hệ
Equipped with a pilot hole drill and a dedicated tap, and the insertion tool can also be used as a tap handle.
Comes with a magnetic break-off tool.
Regenerates female threads with crushed threads into female threads with strong holding power at low cost.
The female thread can be regenerated to the same size as before the damage.
Since it can be used as a reinforcing component for female threads, it is possible to reduce the weight of the base material at the design stage.
For repairing female threads.
For maintenance and repair of industrial machinery, automobiles, and motorcycles.
Howmett 37088
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Thông tin sản phẩm
Pilot hole diameter (mm): 8.30
Applicable bolt thread: M8×1.00
Howmett 37088
Cùng thương hiệu
Sản phẩm liên quan
OSG Corporation
OSG Corporation Việt Nam | OSG General hand tap set (for metric threads) MW2015480
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OSG Corporation
OSG Corporation Việt Nam | OSG General hand tap set (for metric threads) MW2015498
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OSG Corporation
OSG Corporation Việt Nam | OSG Carbide hand tap for high hardness steel (for metric threads) MW2021391
Liên hệ
Yamanwa Seisakusho Việt Nam | Yamawa Spiral tap for through hole for trapezoidal screw SL Tr 28X5 MW2155066
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Yamanwa Seisakusho Việt Nam | Yamawa Hand tap for thick steel conduit pipe screw HT CTG 22-14 5P MW2156982
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Yamanwa Seisakusho Việt Nam | Yamawa Bicycle Tire Valve Screw Hand Tap HT CTV P3 CTV8-32 1.5P MW2169545
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Ishihashi Seiko
Ishihashi Seiko Việt Nam | IS pack included hand middle tap MW2184656
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Tìm theo thương hiệu
Thiết bị, dụng cụ đo lường (Measuring Tools & Equipment)
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Dụng cụ cắt gọt, gá kẹp (Cutting Tools)
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