HIT BC-450F | HIT Việt Nam | HTGoods
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • It has an insulation specification that has passed a 20,000V, 5-minute current test.
  • The blade tip only needs to be adjusted once every 2,000 cuts.
  • Used for cutting bolt iron wire in electrical work, etc.
  • The blade is forged from special steel and then heat treated, and the tip is induction hardened, making it high quality and durable.
  • The handle is made of fiberglass.
  • The blade is longer than the standard product, making it easier to cut ACSR wire.
Specifications in detail
Total length (mm): 450
Cutting capacity (mm) HRC40 hard wire: 6
Cutting capacity (mm) HRB soft wire: 8


HIT Việt Nam | HIT Insulated Bolt Clipper 450mm MW2541955

Thương hiệu: HIT
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It has an insulation specification that has passed a 20,000V, 5-minute current test. The blade tip only needs to be adjusted once every 2,000 cuts. Used for cutting bolt iron wire in electrical work, etc. The blade is forged from special steel and then heat treated, and the tip is induction hardened, making it high quality and durable. The handle is made of fiberglass. The blade is longer than the standard product, making it easier to cut ACSR wire.
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • It has an insulation specification that has passed a 20,000V, 5-minute current test.
  • The blade tip only needs to be adjusted once every 2,000 cuts.
  • Used for cutting bolt iron wire in electrical work, etc.
  • The blade is forged from special steel and then heat treated, and the tip is induction hardened, making it high quality and durable.
  • The handle is made of fiberglass.
  • The blade is longer than the standard product, making it easier to cut ACSR wire.
Specifications in detail
Total length (mm): 450
Cutting capacity (mm) HRC40 hard wire: 6
Cutting capacity (mm) HRB soft wire: 8


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