HALDER 24331.0605 | HALDER Việt Nam | HTGoods
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • The handle can be folded down if needed.
  • To fold it, pull the handle in the axial direction and tilt it towards the main body.
  • For operating parts of devices, equipment, etc.
Specifications in detail
Handle attachment: Square hole type
Handle diameter (mm): 80
Grip height (mm): 43
Center hole depth (mm): Square hole 10
Color: Silver
Crank length (mm): 80
Mounting hole (mm): Square hole 10
Handle length (mm): 43.0

HALDER 24331.0605

HALDER Việt Nam | HALDER Machine Handle Crank Handle Foldable Handle Silver Mounting Hole (mm): Square Hole 10 MW2063325

Thương hiệu: HALDER
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The handle can be folded down if needed. To fold it, pull the handle in the axial direction and tilt it towards the main body.
For operating parts of devices, equipment, etc.
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • The handle can be folded down if needed.
  • To fold it, pull the handle in the axial direction and tilt it towards the main body.
  • For operating parts of devices, equipment, etc.
Specifications in detail
Handle attachment: Square hole type
Handle diameter (mm): 80
Grip height (mm): 43
Center hole depth (mm): Square hole 10
Color: Silver
Crank length (mm): 80
Mounting hole (mm): Square hole 10
Handle length (mm): 43.0

HALDER 24331.0605

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