HAKKO FV310-81 | HAKKO Việt Nam | HTGoods
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Thông tin sản phẩm


  • Equipped with temperature and airflow control functions, it allows for detailed settings to suit the task.
  • The heater is made of high-performance, long-life ceramic glass.
  • The cartridge type heater can be easily replaced with just a screwdriver.


  • Drying paint and putty, heat shrink tubing, removing seals, shrink processing, bending resin, welding PVC sheets, etc.
Specifications in detail
Hot air temperature: 530℃ (continuously variable from 50 to 530℃)
Air volume: 0.15 to 0.25 (M3)/min
Air speed: 600m/min
Power supply (V): AC100
Power consumption (W): 1000
Width (mm): 240
Depth (mm): 70
Height (mm): 190
Temperature range (℃): 50 to 530
Product name: Hakko FV-310

HAKKO FV310-81

HAKKO Việt Nam | Hakko FV-310/100V flat plug Industrial type Hot Air Blower MW8551398

Thương hiệu: HAKKO
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Features: Equipped with temperature and airflow control functions, it allows for detailed settings to suit the task.The heater is made of high-performance, long-life ceramic glass.The cartridge type heater can be easily replaced with just a screwdriver.
Applications: Drying paint and putty, heat shrink tubing, removing seals, shrink processing, bending resin, welding PVC sheets, etc.
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Thông tin sản phẩm


  • Equipped with temperature and airflow control functions, it allows for detailed settings to suit the task.
  • The heater is made of high-performance, long-life ceramic glass.
  • The cartridge type heater can be easily replaced with just a screwdriver.


  • Drying paint and putty, heat shrink tubing, removing seals, shrink processing, bending resin, welding PVC sheets, etc.
Specifications in detail
Hot air temperature: 530℃ (continuously variable from 50 to 530℃)
Air volume: 0.15 to 0.25 (M3)/min
Air speed: 600m/min
Power supply (V): AC100
Power consumption (W): 1000
Width (mm): 240
Depth (mm): 70
Height (mm): 190
Temperature range (℃): 50 to 530
Product name: Hakko FV-310

HAKKO FV310-81

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