GTG LLFA40 R1-5-8A | GTG Việt Nam | HTGoods
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Thông tin sản phẩm


  • This is a silicone rubber tape that fuses together and becomes one piece without using any adhesive components.
  • Ideal for emergency repairs.
  • It can be used for a variety of purposes, including leak repair, corrosion prevention, and bundling.
  • Since there is no expiration date, you can use it with peace of mind without worrying about the expiration date, and you can use it until it is all used up.
  • It has weather resistance for more than 20 years after installation, making it possible to use it as a permanent installation.


  • For a wide range of uses including insulation, leak repair, corrosion prevention, and bundling.
Specifications in detail
Tensile strength: 84.4kgf/(cm2)
Operating temperature range: -90 to 260°C
Insulation breakdown strength: 25kV/mm
Color: Red
Width (mm): 25.4
Length (m): 10.91
Thickness (mm): 1
Operating temperature range (°C): -90 to +260
Tensile strength: 125 lbf/in (22.3kg/cm) or more

GTG LLFA40 R1-5-8A

GTG Việt Nam | GTG LLFA Tape (Red) R1-5-8AJP LLFA(R) Tape MW3978176

Thương hiệu: GTG
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Features: This is a silicone rubber tape that fuses together and becomes one piece without using any adhesive components.Ideal for emergency repairs.It can be used for a variety of purposes, including leak repair, corrosion prevention, and bundling.Since there is no expiration date, you can use it with peace of mind without worrying about the expiration date, and you can use it until it is all used up.It has weather resistance for more than 20 years after installation, making it possible to use it as a permanent installation.
Applications: For a wide range of uses including insulation, leak rep...
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Thông tin sản phẩm


  • This is a silicone rubber tape that fuses together and becomes one piece without using any adhesive components.
  • Ideal for emergency repairs.
  • It can be used for a variety of purposes, including leak repair, corrosion prevention, and bundling.
  • Since there is no expiration date, you can use it with peace of mind without worrying about the expiration date, and you can use it until it is all used up.
  • It has weather resistance for more than 20 years after installation, making it possible to use it as a permanent installation.


  • For a wide range of uses including insulation, leak repair, corrosion prevention, and bundling.
Specifications in detail
Tensile strength: 84.4kgf/(cm2)
Operating temperature range: -90 to 260°C
Insulation breakdown strength: 25kV/mm
Color: Red
Width (mm): 25.4
Length (m): 10.91
Thickness (mm): 1
Operating temperature range (°C): -90 to +260
Tensile strength: 125 lbf/in (22.3kg/cm) or more

GTG LLFA40 R1-5-8A

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