GEDORE 2324830 | GEDORE Việt Nam | HTGoods
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • Easy to work with with light force.
  • The hardness of the cutting edge is 63 to 65 HRC.
Specifications in detail
1000V insulation specification
DIN EN/IEC60900 standard compliant product
Cutting capacity (mm) Hard wire: 1.6
Cutting capacity (mm) Piano wire: 1.6
Total length (mm): 160

GEDORE 2324830

GEDORE Việt Nam | GEDORE Insulated end nippers 160mm MW8556568

Thương hiệu: GEDORE
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Easy to work with with light force. The hardness of the cutting edge is 63 to 65 HRC.
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • Easy to work with with light force.
  • The hardness of the cutting edge is 63 to 65 HRC.
Specifications in detail
1000V insulation specification
DIN EN/IEC60900 standard compliant product
Cutting capacity (mm) Hard wire: 1.6
Cutting capacity (mm) Piano wire: 1.6
Total length (mm): 160

GEDORE 2324830

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