FUJI FC-1Z-1 | FUJI Việt Nam | HTGoods
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • It is highly durable and ideal for chipping and caulking work on concrete, masonry, welding fluids, etc.
  • The shape of the chisel insertion part is squared.
  • For cutting and chipping steel plates and rivets.
Specifications in detail
Air pressure used: 0.63MPa
Chisel bush: square
Stroke: 25.0mm
No-load impact count (min(-1)): 3000
Air consumption (m3/min): 0.60
Chisel insertion hole shape: Square
Hose attachment port: Rc3/8
Total length (mm): 301
Number of strokes (bpm): 50


FUJI Việt Nam | Fuji Chipping and Caulking Hammer MW7324057

Thương hiệu: FUJI
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It is highly durable and ideal for chipping and caulking work on concrete, masonry, welding fluids, etc. The shape of the chisel insertion part is squared.
For cutting and chipping steel plates and rivets.
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • It is highly durable and ideal for chipping and caulking work on concrete, masonry, welding fluids, etc.
  • The shape of the chisel insertion part is squared.
  • For cutting and chipping steel plates and rivets.
Specifications in detail
Air pressure used: 0.63MPa
Chisel bush: square
Stroke: 25.0mm
No-load impact count (min(-1)): 3000
Air consumption (m3/min): 0.60
Chisel insertion hole shape: Square
Hose attachment port: Rc3/8
Total length (mm): 301
Number of strokes (bpm): 50


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