Fuji Aircraft Việt Nam | Fuji Airflux Chipper MW1254294 | HTGoods
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Thông tin sản phẩm

Air pressure used: 0.63MPa
No-load blow count (min (-1st power)): 3600
Air consumption ((M3)/min): 0.18
Hose installation port: Rc1/4
br>Total length (mm): 204
Blade width (mm): 15.5 or 25
Integrated air pressure (MPa): 0.63
Number of blows (min (-1st power)): 3600 >Number of blows without load (rpm): 3600
Number of blows (bpm): 60

Fuji Aircraft FCH-25

Fuji Aircraft Việt Nam | Fuji Airflux Chipper MW1254294

Thương hiệu: Fuji Aircraft
Còn hàng
Liên hệ
  • A small, lightweight, powerful chipper with good workability and excellent durability.
  • Can also be used with small compressors.
  • For light chiseling and deburring, removing flux from welds, stone carving, etc.

Fuji Aircraft FCH-25

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Thông tin sản phẩm

Air pressure used: 0.63MPa
No-load blow count (min (-1st power)): 3600
Air consumption ((M3)/min): 0.18
Hose installation port: Rc1/4
br>Total length (mm): 204
Blade width (mm): 15.5 or 25
Integrated air pressure (MPa): 0.63
Number of blows (min (-1st power)): 3600 >Number of blows without load (rpm): 3600
Number of blows (bpm): 60

Fuji Aircraft FCH-25

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